As a leading housing provider in the East Midlands, we already work across 23 local authority areas. We provide over 10,500 homes, most of them for affordable rent, which includes over 3,000 supported and sheltered homes.

We’re ambitious and aim to not just build more homes, but to improve existing homes and provide more help to individuals and to communities. Our corporate plan for 2024-27, CP24+, sets out our vision and how we are working towards it.

Over the last few years the Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis have put new and unprecedented strain on our local communities and the aftershocks are likely to last for many years. At the same time, we know that local authorities and other support services are under immense pressure. With all this in mind, new partnerships will have a vital role to play in recovery and in helping our customers towards 'great tomorrows'. We already work with local authorities to provide housing. In some cases though we join forces to provide services – and we’re looking to do much more in this area.

We have four main areas of focus. Click on the tabs below to find out more:

We're keen to partner around the following areas

We currently work with three local authorities (Amber Valley, Erewash and West Northamptonshire (formerly Daventry District Council) to support their homelessness services. As part of this we provide 14 temporary homes. Since April 2020 we have housed 87 homeless applicants in Amber Valley and a further 56 in Daventry.

While rough sleeping is relatively uncommon in Amber Valley, we supported the council through the Covid-19 pandemic by providing a furnished home specifically for anyone found sleeping rough with signs of Covid infection. This provided a safe recovery space while more permanent accommodation is found for them. More generally we supported direct lets to priority families and individuals during the pandemic to avoid the need for temporary accommodation such as bed and breakfast hotels.

Futures is not a public body as defined by The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 and while we are not subject to the duty to refer people at risk of homelessness, we are nonetheless signed up to the Commitment to Refer campaign lead by the National Housing Federation.

We also think prevention is better than cure so we run two services to help reduce the risk of homeless among our customers with services designed to help them avoid putting their tenancy at risk. This provides both money and employment advice to those at risk of financial hardship. We already have plans to expand these services into a more comprehensive tenancy sustainment service including a range of practical as well as emotional support.

We’re keen to expand these services into new local authority areas. If you want to find out how we can join forces to help tackle homelessness in your area, please email

Most of us want to live independently in our own homes and the right adaptations can play a huge part in this, whether a customer is struggling with disability or age-related problems. That’s why we offer a range of services in this area which includes:

  • Match-funded adaptations where this can provide a lifetime adapted home for a family or individual in need.
  • Direct lets into existing adapted homes to support those who need adaptations and are happy and able to move.
  • Technical solutions to support families and individuals in their home where physical adaptations are not needed.

We spend over a quarter of a million pounds a year in the Daventry area alone on adapting homes for people with support needs. We work closely with experts including occupational therapists (OTs) and specialist contractors to meet the needs of our customers. 

We fund minor adaptations such as grab and handrails without the need for an OT assessment through our own budgets. We also work closely with Amber Valley Borough Council on referrals for Disabled Facility Grant (DFG) funded adaptations in our homes which can include installing telecare and other technology-driven solutions.

Our Home Choices team works with OT’s in Derbyshire and the DFG team in Amber Valley to review and allocate any existing adapted homes that become available for letting. Offers of accommodation to those best-suited to each property are made outside of the normal waiting list as direct lets.

If no suitable homes are available we can adapt vacant properties where necessary to meet the needs of priority applicants on the housing register and reduce waiting times.

We’re keen to talk to other potential partners in this area. Please email to find out more about how we can help.

If you are a customer looking for how we can support you with home adaptions, click here.

We support our customers who need help with their finances and employment worries through our tenancy support service. Our Tenancy Support and Employability Manager, Jenny Jackson, is a Non-Executive Board Director with Communities that Work

Futures jointly owns a Midlands-based training provider, Access Training, which provides high quality training, apprenticeships and recruitment support to businesses and individuals across the region.

New partnerships to support people into work are more important now than ever. Drop us a line at to find out how we can work together to be part of the solution.


Few of us want to live in isolation – feeling part of a community is one of the things that makes us human. And here at Futures we invest in communities to help us achieve our vision of ‘Great places, great services; and great tomorrows.’

We do this in lots of ways. This includes:

  • Joining networks and groups of organisations working both for an on-behalf of people across the East Midlands. You can find out about some of these partnerships on our 'Accreditations, memberships and awards' page.
  • Improving the environment around our homes to create attractive, welcoming and well-cared for neighbourhoods. We work with other local agencies on projects like this – such as our plan to regenerate the Southbrook Estate in Daventry.
  • Investing in the homes we own to make them more modern, comfortable and cheaper to live in - to the tune of over £10.7m in 2020-21 alone.
  • Ensuring that we do more towards a carbon-neutral future with a renewed focus on the ‘green agenda’ in our new corporate plan. Read our sustainability strategy here
  • Helping improve employment prospects for people in our communities through initiatives of our co-owned training provider, Access Training, or the East Midlands Ella Forum.
  • Supporting and encouraging our staff to help local communities through charitable giving and our own match-funding scheme.

In 2022 we published our first ever ESG report setting out our positive impact on the environment and society as well as how we govern our organisations effectively. You can read and download it here. It explains how we deliver more than £150m in social value every year - equivalent to £15,000 for each of the 10,000+ homes we provide.

The East Midlands has faced many social and economic challenges, even before the Covid-19 pandemic and recent cost of living crisis. We want to play our part, not just in rebuilding after the pandemic, but in helping to address disadvantage and inequality across the region. To do this we want to forge new partnerships with other organisations that share our vision – including housing providers, local authorities and town councils, education and voluntary services and communities themselves.

To find our more about how we can join forces, please email

Where we work

This map shows where we currently work as well as some areas (in blue) where we plan to build new homes and deliver services in future (click the map to see a high resolution version).


The Council wants to continue collaborating with Futures Housing Group to support what they’re doing to meet local housing needs and serve the community. Together, I’m confident that we will keep on achieving positive outcomes.
David Arkle Head of Housing Services, Amber Valley Borough council