Our new corporate plan CP24+ sets out our vision for what we want to achieve in the coming three years and beyond. It was developed with input from our customers, partner organisations, our team members and other stakeholders.
It starts with our vision - Providing quality homes and services for better futures - and features seven key themes that will frame our priorities and our work to support our customers and their communities across the East Midlands. They are:
- Customer experience
- Homes
- Development
- Business development & influence
- People & culture
- Digital, data & change
- Sustainability.
The plan also explains how we also want to do more to better support the ageing population, how we will further embrace digital technologies and work to improve and regenerate our existing estates and communities.
Crucially it builds on all the work we've done over our brief but impactful history as a leading housing provider across the region. It shares many of the themes from our previous corporate plan and broadens things out to reflect our changing world.
Click here to view or download our full corporate planor scroll down for a quick overview and to get more insight into specific areas of focus.
Introducing CP24+
We've created eight short videos to explain our new corporate plan and what we're trying to achieve.
Start with this simple overview to set the scene.
Customer experience
Everything starts with our customers so we will have a customer offer which is transparent, inclusive, and delivered through effortless customer experiences.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining how customers feature in our corporate plan or download a booklet with more details here.
Providing homes is our core purpose. So we will ensure that all our customers have a well maintained, safe and secure home and support strong communities.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining how homes feature in our corporate plan or download a booklet with more details here.
The shortage of affordable, high quality homes is at the heart of the housing crisis. So we will increase supply by building and acquiring more new homes to meet our customers' needs.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining how developing new homes features in our corporate plan or download a booklet with more details here.
Business development & influence
We want to do more for our customers and the region so we will look for opportunities to continue growing and developing. We will also influence those we work with across the region to benefit our customers and make a positive difference around housing.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining how business development & influence features in our corporate plan or download a booklet with more details here.
People & culture
We will have an agile, inclusive, and values-based culture that engages and empowers our people to better meet the needs of our customers and the organisation.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining how people & our culture feature in our corporate plan or download a booklet with more details here.
We care about the planet. So we will make our customers’ homes more energy efficient and more comfortable to live in. We will also reduce our carbon footprint and do more for nature in the green spaces around our homes.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining how sustainability features in our corporate plan or download a booklet with more details here.
Areas of ambition
Every housing association has some core things to do - centred around providing great and affordable homes and supporting customers. We also want to work better and smarter and to get better value for money.
Click the thumbnail to watch a short clip explaining the areas of the work where we want to expand the work we do over the coming years or download a booklet with more details here.
Work with us to make our plans a success
As ever, we need to work closely with key partners and stakeholders, building on existing relationships and establishing new ones to deliver against this plan.
If you would like to help us achieve our vision contact Ceri Theobald, Group Director of Strategic Partnerships & Growth ceri.theobald@futureshg.co.uk