The Board of Futures has confirmed the appointment of Pauline Davis as the new Group Chair. 

Pauline, who was previously a Board Member and Vice Chair, brings over 30 years’ experience in housing, health, regeneration and education, as well as a passion for place shaping and working with local communities. She will start the new role on 1 October and takes the place of Mike Stevenson who has been Chair since 2019 and was previously also a Board member. Mike has now served the maximum term of office as set out under the organisation’s governance terms and therefore had to stand down this year.

Commenting on the change, Futures’ new Chief Executive, Tim Mulvenna, said: “On behalf of everyone at Futures I want to thank Mike for all he’s done for the organisation. He’s helped push us forward with his focus on customers and on ensuring we’re a well-run and financially solid organisation. He’s had a huge impact on how we work which has translated into lasting benefits for our customers. I’d like to wish him the very best in his next ventures.”

Alongside the change of Chair, Futures also recently appointed two new Board members to take the place of others who had reached their maximum term. Patrick Duffy, who has worked in residential development for almost 20 years also sits on the Asset Investment Committee and Gary Middleton, who brings experience in commercial banking and residential property, is a member of the organisation’s Audit & Risk Committee as well.

“I want to extend our congratulations to Pauline and a warm welcome to Patrick and Gary,” added Tim. “These are challenging times for our sector and for our customers and it’s fantastic to have new skills, experience and energy on our Board to help us rise to those challenges and do the very best we can for the communities we house and support.” 

Pictured first: Pauline Davies, Patrick Duffy and Gary Middleton.