Everything starts with our customers. Customers know their home best and what it feels like to receive our services, so it’s important we listen and act on what you tell us. That's why we offer a variety of ways for customers to have their say.

Find out all the different ways you can get involved - whether that's from the comfort of your own home, or in person with our colleagues in an office - below.

Get to know Joe

We'd love to introduce you to Joe, our new customer feedback coordinator. This is a brand-new role at Futures dedicated to exploring and understanding customer feedback.

But that's enough from us, click play on the video and let Joe tell you all about his now role and how it'll benefit customers.

How your feedback is already shaping Futures

  • Empathy training

We’ll always continue to learn from the surveys we send after you've had a repair, called into our contact centre, or raised a complaint. One main change came after we were seeing a consistently low satisfaction score for how empathetic you found our contact centre staff. Because of this we organised empathy training for colleagues and since then this satisfaction score is now one of our strongest. 

  • Communication preferences

Early last year we asked customers to fill in a survey to tell us what you want to hear from us, how often, and in what ways. We learned that how we communicate with you is not a 'one size fits all' and that we need to cater our services differently. One change we’ve already made is switching to sending our customer magazine through the post rather than only being available online!

  • Corporate plan

More than 400 customers told us what we should stop, start, and continue doing as part of research to shape our latest corporate plan released last year. You told us to upgrade heating systems, take more time inspecting your communities, and communicate about repairs more effectively. These are all ingrained into our corporate plan and being actioned – from retrofitting new homes to more estate walkabouts. Plus, we have lots of plans still in the pipeline to address more of your feedback!