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You'll see a short update about what happened when our communities team completed an estate walkabout in that area in 2024.
Ashby Road
- What streets: Ashby Road, Spinney Hill.
- Walkabout completed on 2 August 2024.
What happened
We found this area to be clean and tidy, and there was nothing we needed to raise. We'll still return to this area regularly in case there's anything we can help with.
- What streets: Swansnest.
- Walkabout completed on 17 June 2024.
Highfield Close
- What streets: Highfield Close.
- Walkabout completed on 17 June 2024.
What happened
Customers raised issues of high volumes of fly-tipping at the bin store area, after the communal bins were removed and replaced with individual household bins by West Northamptonshire Council.
We'll be removing this bin store in August to help stop the fly-tipping and make the communal space cleaner and safer for our customers. We'll return once this has been completed to make sure it's been successful and the fly-tipping stops.
Woodford Road
- What streets: Woodford Road and around this area
- Walkabout completed 5 November 2024.
What happened
We found this area to be clean and tidy, and there was nothing we needed to raise. We'll still return to this area regularly in case there's anything we can help with.
Bucknills Lane
- What streets: Bucknills Lane, Ellen Close, King Style Close, Portlow Lane.
- Walkabout completed on 4 June 2024.
What happened
We found this area to be clean and tidy, and there was nothing we needed to raise. We'll still return to this area regularly in case there's anything we can help with.
Marburg Street
- What streets: Marburg Street, Bradlaugh Crescent, Cluniac Court.
- Walkabout completed on 10 June 2024.
What happened
We found some of the posts on our green spaces were damaged, so our grounds maintenance team will repair these as part of their planned works. For more information about what our planned works mean, click here.
The green spaces were well maintained, however looked like they could do with some sprucing up, so we're going to organise a community day to plant some wildflowers to bring a bit of colour and attract wildlife.
- What streets: Queens Road, Highfield Road, Tennyson Road.
- Walkabout completed on 15 August 2024.
What happened
We found some fly-tipping in the communal green areas, so we arranged for this to be removed by our grounds maintenance team. We'll return once this has been completed to make sure the fly-tipping is cleared.
- What streets: Station Road, Grasscroft, Ryehill Close.
- Walkabout completed on 2 July 2024.
What happened
Customers raised some concerns about parking in the local area, so we're working with partners and residents to address the parking issues, and ensure the communal car parks enjoyed by our customers are used appropriately.
The Bailey Wills
- What streets: The Bailey Wills.
- Walkabout completed on 26 June 2024.
What happened
There were a few issues here when we visited, but we're pleased that all have either since been repaired or improved. The car park's main gates have been fixed and the area generally looks tidier now graffiti has been removed, fly-tipping taken away and a tidy up of the whole area, including the bin store. Customers told us cigarette ends were being thrown from balcony's, so we posted letters to all homes which has helped reduce the amount thrown on the floor.
The Printworks
- What streets: The Printworks.
- Walkabout completed on 26 June.
What happened
Customers were concerned about the communal car park and who’s using it, so we've ordered new parking signs to ensure it's clear who the car park is for. We'll return once the signs have been installed to check it's being used correctly.
Beatty Close
- What streets: Drake Close, Kennedy Close, Rodney Close and Beatty Close.
- Walkabout completed 22 October 2024.
What happened
Overall the area was in good condition, however we found some fly-tipping in a communal garden space and weeds growing in between paths. Our grounds maintenance team will sort all of this and we’ll return once this is complete to make sure the fly-tipping stays cleared.
- What streets: Lesnes Close, Abbotsbury flats.
- Walkabout completed 16 October 2024.
What happened
Overall the area was in good condition, however we found some weeds in the parking area so we've arranged for our ground’s maintenance team to remove them. We found there was an issue with the door handle on the communal cupboard door, so we've put in a request with our repairs team to fix this.
The Grange
- What streets: The Stour, The Wye, Tweed Close.
- Walkabout completed on 6 August 2024.
What happened
We found this area to be clean and tidy, and there was nothing we needed to raise. We'll still return to this area regularly in case there's anything we can help with.
- Meeting where and when: Opposite doctor's surgery, Green's Northon medical centre.
- What streets: New Croft, Kings Park and Queens Park.
- We last did a walkabout here on 12 June. We’ll be adding more walkabouts in the future, so please check back again for new dates or click here to send us your feedback and thoughts about where you live now.
What happened
We found some fly-tipping in the communal green areas, so we arranged for this to be removed by our grounds maintenance team. We'll return once this has been completed to make sure the fly-tipping is cleared.
- What streets: Gorse Road, Nelson Avenue, Manor Road.
- Walkabout completed 11 November 2024.
What happened
We found a few bits of litter on our walkabout, however the area was generally very tidy. There was a number of cars parked on paths, so we've made the police aware of this so people can safely use the paths.