We know that when times are tough, it can have a real impact on your overall wellbeing. We want our customers to feel secure and live well in their homes – so we offer a comprehensive support service which can help you get back on your feet and in control.
Here are just some of the things we can help with:
- Making sure you’re receiving everything you’re entitled to
- Budgeting, debt advice and talking to suppliers
- Referrals to food banks and external agencies like social care
- Building your confidence, and getting you in touch with other organisations who can help you on your employment journey
- Specialist support from our safeguarding and domestic abuse teams
Our friendly team have a wealth of experience of helping people in all sorts of circumstances, getting the most out of the options that are available to you and helping you get back on your feet when you need it.
We’re not there to judge – we want everyone to have the best chance to feel secure and comfortable in their home, and we’ll work with you to identify the best way we can help you and get you any extra support you might need.
If you are struggling to manage your tenancy for any reason, we can help by supporting you to:
- Set up utilities (gas, water, electricity, TV license) and Direct Debits to keep on top of your bills.
- Get more involved in the community by joining community groups.
- Look at negative behaviours within your home or community and find ways of addressing them that help you and others to have a more positive approach to life.
- Apply for grants and other types of support with things such as getting furniture and appliances for your home.
- Get access to foodbanks and the paint project.
Poor health can make life very difficult. We can help you get support from the healthcare system in several ways, including:
- support to register with a GP
- help making or managing healthcare appointments
- referrals to specialist agencies such as the mental health team
- attending GP or hospital appointments with you if necessary
- linking in with social prescribing services
- referring you to our independent living team
We want to empower our customers to make positive life choices and feel confident in themselves. We can support you to:
- get into routines that can help with home life
- access appointments to build confidence such as community groups, baby and toddler groups and the freedom programme
- access recreational activities or groups to improve your emotional health and wellbeing
We're also partnered with Access Training, who offer high-quality training, apprenticeships and recruitment support to businesses and individuals throughout the Midlands. You can find out more about Access Training by clicking here.
As well as supporting you with your home and independence, we are also here for the more difficult situations that you may come across including:
- Supporting customers who are experiencing domestic abuse or who have in the past.
- Safeguarding concerns
- Helping those dealing with substance misuse by referring to external agencies and implementing ways to manage and reduce risk
If you need support with any of the issues on this list, please get in touch with your communities housing officer to discuss.
Derbyshire and surrounding areas
- Derbyshire County Council, Community Directory for Families Synergy - Enquiry (derbyshire.gov.uk)
- Derbyshire Community Health Services Departments and services - Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Derbyshire Recovery Partnership – substance misuse help and support – 0115 9309442
- Derbyshire Mental Health Crisis Helpline – 0800 028 0077
- Samaritans – 116 123
Northampton and surrounding areas
- West Northants Council www.westnorthants.gov.uk
- Community Directory for Families and Local Services www.daventrydc.gov.uk
- Northants Recovery Partnership - substance misuse help and support - 01604 211304 https://changegrowlive.org
- Mental Health Crisis Helpline - 01327 879416 www.northamptonmind.org.uk
- Samaritans - 0845 790 9090
Our Customer Services team is here to help with advice and information and can refer you to our Tenancy Support team if you need extra help. Find out how to contact them here.