Our corporate plan for 2020-23 sets out our vision for what we want to achieve by 2023, which is to create great places, great services and great tomorrows with our customers at the heart of all we do. The plan explains how we will, among other things, invest more than £190m in new homes by 2024.

We are an ambitious, growing and progressive provider of affordable homes and services to thousands of people as well as an active property developer. We’re proud of our past achievements, but over the next three years we plan to go even further.

To realise our growth plans and deliver continuous improvements for our customers, we need to work closely with key partners and stakeholders, building on existing relationships and establishing new ones.

We worked with our partners and stakeholders to develop our new corporate plan, which is focused on customers, growth, innovation and sustainability. Now we need our partners and stakeholders to help us deliver the plan, and work with us to provide even more safe, high-quality and affordable homes for local people across the East Midlands. 

If you would like to help us achieve our vision contact Ceri Theobald, Group Director of Strategic Partnerships & Growth ceri.theobald@futureshg.co.uk

Download our corporate plan Our six strategies

Introducing our corporate plan

We've created five short videos to talk about our corporate plan and our objectives for 2020-23.

Watch the first video from Lindsey Williams, our Group Chief Executive, here.

Inside our corporate plan: growth and development

Ceri Theobald, our Group Director of Strategic Partnerships & Growth, explains why growth and development are such an important part of our new corporate plan.

Click the thumbnail to watch the video, or head to YouTube here.

Inside our corporate plan: our culture

Nicky Hope, formerly Director of Transformation and now Group Director of Business Change & Strategy, explains the vital role of culture in achieving the vision set out in our new corporate plan.

Click the thumbnail to watch the video, or head to YouTube here.

Inside our corporate plan: our customers

All our work starts and ends with our customers. Here, former Group Customer Experience & Assets Director, Suki Jandu, explains how integral they are to our new corporate plan.

Click the thumbnail to watch the video, or head to YouTube here.


Inside our corporate plan: sustainability 

Here our Group Finance & Resources Director, Ian Skipp explains how both environmental sustainability and a strong sustainable business are integral to our new corporate plan.

Click the thumbnail to watch the video, or head to YouTube here.