The Insight Committee is part of our governance. It's made up of customers and independent members together with Board members and some senior staff. Together they advise us on how to improve what we offer our customers. They also review relevant policies and keep an eye on our performance.
The Insight Committee meets quarterly and is responsible for making sure that Futures is listening to our customers and taking their views into account when we’re developing and maintaining our services.
With representation from a range of customers living across our areas of operation, alongside a local authority representative, independent experts, Board members and senior members staff from Futures, members of the Insight Committee have led on reviews of service standards and guided Futures input into national initiatives such as Together with Tenants and the Social Housing White paper. They have instigated change in customer service operations and been instrumental in voice of the customer initiatives such as My Voice and our independent feedback surveys.
Teams across Futures are invited to present their ideas to the committee, which provides feedback based on considerations like how well services meet or exceed customer expectations and regulatory requirements, and whether they offer value for money. The committee is instrumental in holding our organisation accountable to the people who are most affected by our services, and their work feeds directly into our Board, meaning customer insight remains at the heart of what we do.
The Insight Committee is a key part of our strategy for engaging with customers and making sure we are taking their views into consideration. We appreciate the work they do to ensure we’re staying true to our customer-centric values.
Daniel has been an Insight Committee Member since December 2019. He is a West Northamptonshire Council Member and represents Moulton Ward on the Council. He is Assistant Cabinet Member for Health. Daniel has been a councillor for 21 years and was Portfolio Holder for Environmental Health and Housing at Daventry District Council before the Council changing to West Northamptonshire Council in 2021.
As a councillor and previous Portfolio Holder for Housing Daniel has a passionate interest in helping to provide good quality social housing for Futures’ customers.He also undertands and champions the need for good governance and in his role as a member of the Insight Committee welcomes the opportunity to challenge and inform the Board.
If you have a message for the Insight Committee, have questions, or would like to find out more, please get in touch.