Streets on the Southbrook estate in Daventry have been lined with hundreds of shrubs and wildflower seeds as part of a community project to improve local green spaces. 

The idea initially came from a consultation with residents run by Futures and West Northamptonshire Council in 2020. This resulted in the renovation of the Southbrook Community Centre and continued support of the centre and nearby areas. The final part of the consultation's goals was to make streets look prettier with plants, and our grounds maintenance operatives have been busy doing exactly this.

Over 16 areas throughout the Southbrook estate now have shrubs or wildflowers planted and ready to bloom. Not only will the planting help places to look nicer, but it’s also a way to support the environment too. Many of the new shrubs are lavender, which is a great pollinator and will attract bees, insects, butterflies and moths – and they even have seeds for birds! 

The wildflower mixtures will also attract bees and butterflies and by summertime will be an assortment of vibrant colours, from blues and yellows to bright red poppies.

Take a look at our gallery below to see some before and after photos and we'll be back later in the year to see how colourfully the shrubs and wildflowers will grow. If you beat us to taking any nice pictures as they blossom, then we’d love you to share them with us! Send any photos to 

Now that this planting mission is complete, we'll be springing right back to Southbrook soon for another project that you, our customers and the whole community will be able to join in with. We'll reveal more soon, but for now we'll say it won't be a 'waste' of your time...