Did you know there are cheaper broadband and phone packages available for people claiming Universal Credit, Pension Credit and other benefits?

The social tariffs range from £10 to £20 a month, and it may even be that the provider you're already with has a social tariff you can simply switch on to.

Over 4 million eligible people are currently missing out on social tariff deals, and after the recent announcement of one million people having cancelled their broadband over the last year, it's important to check if you qualify.

Citizens Advice revealed the cost-of-living crisis has left people unable to afford to keep their internet on and that people on Universal Credit were more than six times as likely to have cancelled their internet, in comparison to people not claiming benefits.

  • If you or someone in your household claims Universal Credit or another qualifying benefit you can switch.
  • You'll still be able to get superfast broadband speeds!
  • There should be no set-up fee, or if there is then these should be small and you'll be made aware before you sign up.
  • There's no charge to leave a social tariff before the end of your contract.

To find out if you're eligible and to find a list of available tariffs including prices, just click here.

If you'd like to speak to someone about money, whether that's some support with paying bills, managing debts or how to save money, we're here for you. Simply fill out this form and we'll be in touch.

In the meantime, we recently rounded up all the help and support available for you.