We have been awarded Investors in People Gold for the first time in our history.

The award means we're recognised as a well-led organisation which invests in the development and training of our 290 staff.

Investors In People (IiP) is a national organisation which defines what it takes to lead, support and manage people to help businesses achieve their aims.

Ian Skipp, Group Director of Finance and Resources, said: “It’s fantastic news and well deserved because we have put a lot of work into creating a company which truly values and invests in its people.

“We have already started working on getting even better and achieve the Platinum award – the highest accolade you can achieve from Investors.

“It’s an exciting time for Futures. We’re growing, transforming and continuing to improve what we do and how we do it to ensure our customers receive the best possible services from us.”

IiP assessors examined the Group against nine criteria through online surveys, focus groups, interviews and documentation in March. They looked at how Futures staff are being managed, motivated, rewarded and developed. Assessors also wanted to see evidence of how the Group continually improves.

In her report, IiP assessor Hev Beverly said: “People talked in their interviews with passion and enthusiasm about their roles and careers with Futures – the commitment to continually improve and deliver Effortless Customer Service was clear.”