Futures Housing Group is a great organisation … it’s official.

We've improved our rating from ‘good’ to ‘great’ under the Investors in Excellence award following a thorough review of the business.

It is the fifth time the Group has retained Investors in Excellence certification, a national award which recognises how companies perform and continuously improve how they do business.

Lindsey Williams, Futures’ Chief Executive, said: “It has been wonderful for the Group to achieve this kind of external recognition. It shows how committed we are to improvement and ensuring our approach is right.

“I’m really proud that we have retained the certification which once again shows that we have talented people, all pulling in the same direction at Futures.

“By being a great place to work and by having a clear vision and objectives, it is helping us grow while improving services for our customers. That is the most important thing for us.”

After submitting evidence, Futures was visited by Investors in Excellence assessors to check out the Group’s business plan, performance data and how it has worked with its own staff to find innovative solutions to business issues.

Judy Hart, Chief Executive of Investors in Excellence, said: “This recognition is well-deserved. Futures is firmly focused on delivering the best-possible service and shows all the attributes of a great organisation.”